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December 15, 2020 :12: The One Where Fred Says, “iOS 14 Sucks” : Quarantine #41

We dedicated this podcast to the life and times of friend and member Stanley Braverman. Stanley, was a reliable contributor to our weekly discussions. Stanley would join our club for in-person meetings when visiting his brother Irving here in San Carlos. Stanley would bring to our conversations his own experiences with technology and offer friendly recommendations and helpful suggestions. When our club moved to a virtual format, we were fortunate that Stanley was able to join us on regular occasions. I know that Stanley leaves an impact on our world, because he left an impact on our club. Our club meetings have been capture on multiple occasions using YouTube. You are invited to click through some of our older meetings and visit Stanley, in good company, as part of our club. We’ll miss you Stanley.


Hello All clubbers!

Quick reminder that next week is Christmas Party Club and you are in charge of the booze…and the food…and the decorations. So be Christmas ready and remember your silly hat.

I hope you enjoy this installment of our club meeting, and remember; You are welcome to join us at the next meeting.
Take care and #techOn!

Your friendly neighborhood tech guy,
Scott Stimson, head-Nerd at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)

Contact Scott for Remote Help : remote@internationalcs.net

Today’s meeting covered the following topic:

Recommendations, TV:

Recommendations, App:


Episode Art Jigsaw Puzzle:


Our YouTube Meeting: https://youtu.be/f3ot9h_OmyY.

The Impromptu intro:  The intro was personalized and beautified by Vivi and myself (whether she wanted to or not!) Check back weekly for a Vivi-intro. They are only available on the podcast.

Reoccurring Themes

We have returned to Tuesday meetings at a new start time of 10:00am. We will continue our virtual format with online meetings in Google Meet for the foreseeable future.

Currently, we are using the Google Meet code: [rgb-rrgc-gqp] for our weekly meeting. This code will probably be the same for next meeting. Check our blog sccClub.org for notifications when in doubt.

The Google Meet is scheduled on Google Calendar. If you want to be on that calendar invitation, then provide me your Google account id. Also, provide me with your email address, or follow the appropriate accounts to see a reminder sent out by email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and WordPress on the day of our meeting.

A CHALLENGE: Can you design a phrase or dialog to trigger and execute a smart speaker commands, while masquerading as conversation? #speakerhacker – Any command execution counts, for example: play a song, get the weather, turn on/off a light. The goal is to covertly execute the command with conversation. We’ll play with our speakers and check back in next week. (see article: Uncovered: 1,000 phrases that incorrectly trigger Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant.)

Special thanks to all of you that have been helping in my endeavors. The things I am doing would not be possible without your support.

Remember, you can always show your support by taking a moment to go on YouTube and iTunes to review, like, and subscribe. When you give our efforts greater exposure it is appreciated as a contribution. Thank you for all your support.

I am always looking forward to our next meeting. Feel free to ‘prep me’ ahead of time with any topics you would enjoy discussing.

Please leave a comment.

= Communicate with Us =
website: sccClub.org
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club
Podcast(RSS): https://www.sccclub.org/feed/podcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanCarlosComputerClub
Youtube: http://youtube.sccclub.org
jigsawplanet: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/sccClub/clubcast-art

this podcast is related to a blog post found at: https://www.sccclub.org/podcast/december-15-2020-12-the-one-where-fred-says-ios-14-sucks-quarantine-41/.

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