Hello! All! Clubbers!
Yes, this is another late publish. What can I say? There are a couple of my good buddies in town and I’ve been distracted by entertaining. They will continue to be distracting all the way to and at tomorrow’s club meeting. However, this post is in regards to last week’s meeting.
We had a huge group. Our normal large table + three more. Someone said we were 27 in total. Some of the things we covered are:
Amazon.com.mx – purchasing and shipping in Mexico.
Amazon could take on FedEx and UPS with shipping business this year: http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/9/10950674/amazon-shipping-supply-chain-takeover-plans-report?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
The Merits of DNS spoofing vs VPN for evading Geo-location.
Opinions and recommendation on printers
and a whole lot more. Of course; Once again; You’ll have to listen to the meeting. If you do, please leave comments. It will help us to provide better content.
Thanks, and Tech On!
Scott, headNerd at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)
Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.
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