Hi Clubbers,
…again…a late publication. I sorry, but life and work was my priority this week, and here I am again, not publishing our last meeting until the day of our next meeting. I will, as always, attempt to do better in the future. However, for now, the meeting is finally available! So, if you missed last week’s meeting, or was just hoping to hear it again, then here it is in all it’s glory!
Some of the topics we covered were:
Jim’s amazing DSL speeds up to 20MB.
Windows Updates??? – are you having problems?
Our Neflix check.
A Claro-video update. Find it on AppleTV.
Chester’s Windows10 iMac.
We always cover so many things that I can’t list (remember) everything. You’ll just have to listen to the meeting. If you do, please leave comments. It will help us to provide better content.
Thanks, and Tech On!
Scott, headNerd at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)
Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.
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twitter: @sccClub
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