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October 31, 2020 :05: Halloween, Happy? : Quarantine Meeting #34

testing! testing! testing!

is there anyone out there paying attention to our podcast? I hope you are. I hope you’re getting what you need from this. The last meeting had some technical problems in the first 26 minutes and I have eliminated that portion from the podcast. It was a wonderful discussion, but the only dialog recorded was mine. So if you want to spend 26 minutes listening to how I’ve answered questions, without hearing what the questions are, then you should check out the YouTube video. You can find the link below.

Also, the big news is that we have moved our meetings to Tuesdays at 10 AM GTM -7 (Arizona/Sonoran time.) I hope all our regular members, and anyone who’s interested, will be able to join us at this new time. However, if you find you’re still unable to attend our virtual meeting in real time, then I will continue to post: YouTube videos, and audio podcasts for your enjoyment.

Now for all the regular stuff.

Today’s meeting covered the following topic:

TV Recommendation: The Mandalorian

App Recommendation: Sky View – to track space junk (iphone) (Android)

Movie recommendation: Internet from outer space | DW Documentary.

The YouTube video is available at: https://youtu.be/k3jnHtep3vc.

We are currently using the Google Meet code: [rgb-rrgc-gqp] for our weekly meeting. This code will probably be the same for next meeting. Check our blog sccClub.org for notifications when in doubt.

Reoccurring Themes: 

NOTE #1: The Google Meet is scheduled on Google Calendar. If you want to be on that calendar invitation, then provide me your Google account id. Also, provide me with your email address, or follow the appropriate accounts to see a reminder on the day of our meeting sent out by email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and WordPress.

NOTE #2: A CHALLENGE: Can you design a phrase or dialog to trigger and execute a smart speaker commands, while masquerading as conversation? #speakerhacker – Any command execution counts, for example: play a song, get the weather, turn on/off a light. The goal is to covertly execute the command with conversation. We’ll play with our speakers and check back in next week. (see article: Uncovered: 1,000 phrases that incorrectly trigger Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant.)

[UPDATE for NOTE #2: currently no success, Bill and Cheryl have been experiencing random activations, but haven’t been able to reproduce their conversation. I too have had a few random triggers, but also cannot determine the dialog to set it off.]

Special thanks to all of you that have been helping in my endeavors. The things I am doing would not be possible without your support.

Impromptu intro was personalized and beautified with special attention by Viviana and myself, but it is only available on the podcast.

Remember, you can always show your support by taking a moment to go on YouTube and iTunes to review, like, and subscribe. When you do this, it gives our efforts greater exposure and this is as valuable, and as appreciated as any contribution. (don’t get me wrong. I could always use some money. hahaha.) Thank you.

Can’t wait till next week!

Everyone take care and #techOn!
Scott, headNerd at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)

Please leave a comment.

= Communicate with Us =
website: sccClub.org
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club
Podcast(RSS): https://www.sccclub.org/feed/podcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanCarlosComputerClub
Youtube: http://youtube.sccclub.org

this podcast is related to a blog post found at: https://www.sccclub.org/podcast/october-31-2020-05-halloween-happy-quarantine-meeting-34

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