Hello Clubbers!
First, I want to apologizes if we scared off a new member. (You left early, before we had a chance to hear your question.) We had a lot of people, but not enough to fill the all the tables that were setup ready by Tequilas. I was shouting down to both ends. Also, our topics were all over the place, and the meeting was out of control…My fault…I hope we didn’t run her off. Here are some of the topics we covered today:
- Cellphones, plans, coverage, Verizon, and Issues like unlocking a phone from a network.
(For hardware issues you should contact my brother in-law, Benny Marquez. He is the cellphone go-to-guy and has an excellent reputation in Guaymas . You can reach him through our office at no additional charge.) - Email client settings: IMAP vs POP3.
- Twitter and the Global Conversation
- Apple has partnered with TV manufactures to include Airplay 2, and iTunes movies and TV.
If you missed our meeting in real-time, then you can always listen to this podcast.
I hope you enjoy this audio recording. Also, you can watch the YouTube video at: ________________
I’ll talk to you next week!
Everyone take care and #techOn!
Scott, headNerd
at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)
Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.
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website: sccClub.org
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanCarlosComputerClub
Youtube: http://youtube.sccclub.org
liveAudio: http://audio.sccclub.org