Hey Clubbers!
I’ve done it again. Sorry, but this is last week’s meeting coming out on this week’s club day. I guess, “better late then never?” Maybe? Anyway, if you missed last week’s meeting, then this is your chance. Here are some of the topics we covered:
- Unotelly – dns proxy service and VPN- https://www2.unotelly.com/v3
- Chester’s blue screen virus
- libreOffice- https://www.libreoffice.org/
- Telephone ISP speeds: fiber optics vs DSL – http://telmex.com/web/hogar/conexion-internet
- Linda with the new IPTV configurations
- Email clients IMAP/POP
If any of this interests you, then you’ll have to listen to the meeting. If you do, please leave comments. It will help us to provide better content.
Thanks, and Tech On!
Scott Stimson,
headNerd at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)
Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.
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website: sccClub.org
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanCarlosComputerClub