New Chat-Room Now Available

Hi Everybody,

I just finished adding a chat-room to our club blog. You can find it here: Or click on the ‘chat-room’ link in the column on the right.

A chat-room is an easy way to have an online discussion, in real-time, with a group of people.  It’s easy to use: 1) type in a nickname you want to use, and 2) click the connect button. You’ll see a window with three parts: 1) Main box: a history of conversation and information, 2) text field at the bottom: type anything you want to say , and 3) the column on the right contains a list of people in the chat-room.

This chat-room can be used anytime, but I will especially monitor it during our club meeting’s live stream. In that manner it can be a tool for people listening  to communicate with us in the meeting at Tequila’s.

check it out.

Thanks for the interest.

Scott, headNerd

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