March 23, 2021 :26: A Look at Kodi : Quarantine #55

We Welcome All Tech Enthusiasts

Here are the links I promised from the demo:

Episode Art Jigsaw Puzzle:

See all Episode Artwork Jigsaw Puzzles

Our YouTube Meeting:
We had a fairly innocent demo of the Kodi media player, but for some reason YouTube has decided we need an age restriction for adult content. I might try to appeal. It seems ridiculous, fortunately you all already have access, so it’s not a big deal. Our club meetings use Google Meet, so you already have a Google account to sign into YouTube when you want to review the video. (It’s just a silly inconvenience. But wrong all the same.)

The Impromptu Intro:  “Papi’s Ice cream shop” intro is provided by Emily, her sister Viviana, and myself, and is only available on the podcast.
~ listen if you dare ~

Reoccurring Themes

We have returned to Tuesday meetings at a new start time of 10:00am. We will continue our virtual format with online meetings in Google Meet for the foreseeable future.

Currently, we are using the Google Meet code: [rgb-rrgc-gqp] for our weekly meeting. This code will probably be the same for the next meeting. Check our blog at for any changes.

The Google Meet is scheduled on Google Calendar. If you want to be on that calendar invitation, then provide me your Google account id. Reminders are also sent out by email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and WordPress, so follow and subscribe to the appropriate feeds.

= Find Us On =

Facebook: /SanCarlosComputerClub
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club

From your friendly neighborhood tech guy Scott Stimson, head-Nerd
at International Computer Solutions and The San Carlos Computer Club

Remote Computer and I.T. Help:

This podcast is related to a blog post found at:

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