Hi Everybody,
I got up early this morning and posted last week’s meeting. Sorry I am behind schedule. Also, I’ve been asked to write another article for the San Carlos Wireless. I thought I’d get everyones opinion’s of what my next article should be about. So please bring any topics to today’s meeting. Maybe yours will end up in the next article.
Our meetings start around 9:15am at Tequila’s, but many people arrive around 8:30-8:45 to have breakfast before we begin. Everyone is welcome, please bring your questions and topics. If you can’t join us for the meeting then you can always tune in at http://sccClub.org to listen to our live stream. If you can’t listen to the live stream then come back later in the week for the recording that I’ll post here, and in the iTunes store (search: The San Carlos Computer Club.)
I’ll see you at 9:15 in Tequila’s!
Thanks, and Tech on!